Alexandre Lengereau answers AFP's questions on Christian finance and "ethical" funds

Alexandre Lengereau answers AFP's questions on Christian finance and "ethical" funds
AmadeisAvis d'expert
on 04/27/2023

Alexandre Lengerereau was asked to comment on the subject of Christian finance, following Amadeis' participation, alongside Secours Catholique-Caritas France, in the creation of Kaori.Vie, a committed and responsible life insurance contract.

Today, it is difficult to assess the volume of this essentially Catholic type of finance in France. The latest Observatoire des fonds d'éthique chrétienne, a study carried out by Amadeis, identified 13 investment funds with at least €20 million in assets, which refer to Christian ethics. 

"These specialised funds mainly come from generalist financial players", analyses Alexandre Lengereau.

But this is only the tip of the iceberg. The Observatory only studies funds open to the public, excluding other vehicles - insurance products, SCPIs - and funds managed specifically for Christian institutions.

Alexandre Lengereau

Christian finance is also likely to suffer from the "phenomenon of de-Christianisation", says Alexandre Lengereau, as the sector struggles to spread the good word among young people.

To access the article published by Le Revenu: click here

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